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What should be paid attention to during daily inspection of oil-air lubrication system?

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2021-06-30 10:31
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(Summary description)In order to prevent the back pressure of the bearing cavity from rising, pipeline leakage and blockage

What should be paid attention to during daily inspection of oil-air lubrication system?

(Summary description)In order to prevent the back pressure of the bearing cavity from rising, pipeline leakage and blockage

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-06-30 10:31
  • Views:

In order to prevent the back pressure of the bearing cavity from rising, pipeline leakage and blockage, the oil and gas lubrication system should be checked on a daily basis to pay attention to whether the oil gas flow is good. The selected oil and gas lubrication system should preferably have oil and gas pressure detection and alarm functions to detect problems in time solve.

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Is the installation time for oil-air lubrication equipment long?

The installation of the equipment does not take much time, and the time required for overhaul and overhaul of the factory can generally be used.

Is the oil-air lubrication system noisy?

The noise generated by the oil-air lubrication system during operation is much lower than the noise produced by the factory


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